On|Off collaborative show – Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

On / Off - Paris Fashion Week 2011

La Fashion Week Parisienne ne concerne pas uniquement les créateurs “au programme”. Il y a eu par exemple au même moment un show collaboratif pour lequel j’ai été convié : On|Off presents. Un peu triste de ne plus avoir l’invitation (on me l’a gardée), cela n’empêche pas le fait de vous présenter les trois artistes qui ont présenté leurs créations : Hasan Hejazi, Zeynep Tosun ainsi que Kerhao qui m’étaient inconnus jusqu’à cet évènement.

The Paris Fashion Week is not only about shows that are “official”. I was invited at the same time to a collaborative show : the On|Off presents event. I’m a bit sad because they kept my invitation so I can’t show it to you. Nevertheless, I’m more than pleased to show all the photos of the three artists who unveiled their creations : Hasan Hejazi, Zeynep Tosun and Kerhao.

On/Off Event

iPhone – PhotoSynth (Microsoft)

Une fois arrivé sur les lieux (Espace Commines – 17 rue Commines), on m’a de suite convié à faire un tour en backstage.

Once arrived (Espace Commines – 17 rue Commines), I have been invited to have a look to the backstage.

On / Off - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On / Off - Paris Fashion Week 2011

Toutes les photos backstage et public / All the backstage and photos of the audience

Je crois n’avoir jamais vu un backstage aussi bondé. Je n’ai donc que quelques plans “volés” au 70-200mm. Vite vite après le backstage direction la scène pour réserver ma place podium. J’ai été ravi d’avoir autant de place car d’habitude on est tous empilés les uns sur les autres…

I think I have never seen such a crowded backstage. That explains I have only been able to take “stolen” photos with the 70-200mm lens. Right after that I had to take a good position on podium which was fortunately quite comfortable (usually we can’t move anymore).

Hasan Hejazi

On/Off - Hasan Hejazi - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Hasan Hejazi - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Hasan Hejazi - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Hasan Hejazi - Paris Fashion Week 2011

Toutes les photos du défilé Hasan Hejazi / All the photos of the Hasan Hejazi catwalk

Zeynep Tosun

On/Off - Zeynep Tosun - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Zeynep Tosun - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Zeynep Tosun - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Zeynep Tosun - Paris Fashion Week 2011

Toutes les photos du défilé Zeynep Tosun / All the photos of the Zeynep Tosun catwalk


On/Off - Kerhao - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Kerhao - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Kerhao - Paris Fashion Week 2011

On/Off - Kerhao - Paris Fashion Week 2011

Toutes les photos du défilé Kerhao / All the photos of the Kerhao catwalk

J’espère que les photos vous plaisent, j’ai beaucoup aimé cette variété dans les créations !

I hope you enjoyed the photos, I really love all this pretty creative diversity !

On/Off : http://www.onoff.tv




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Laurent Dubois

Laurent Dubois is professional Fashion Photographer based in Paris as well as in Asia. He is passionate for more than 10 years now and shoots in his own studio. He cherishes backstages as well as catwalks during the Fashion Weeks. Entrepreneur, he is also from an engineering education (Master's Degree in IT) that enables him to be a Web activist. The young photographer holds a personal blog where he shares some of his lighting techniques and equipment reviews. He also presents photo equipment and techniques on YouTube for his partner: Pixedo. Laurent is the creator and owner of LaurentXDubois.com, DailyFashionStyle.com, WoodyLo.fr, IndiceMagazine.com and Reve-En-Image.com.