Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

J’ai eu l’occasion d’assister au défilé Lutz durant cette Fashion Week de septembre à Paris, présentant les nouvelles collections prêt à porter 2012 printemps/été.

I have been able to attend the Lutz show during this Ready To Wear S/S 2012 Fashion Week of September in Paris.

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Arrivé assez tôt sur les lieux (BETC, 85/87 rue du faubourg Saint-Martin, Paris 10e), les mannequins répétaient avant d’aller se préparer en backstage.

As I arrived quite early (BETC, 85/87 rue du faubourg Saint-Martin, Paris 10e), the models were rehearsing before getting prepared in the backstage.

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Bondé de photographes / Crowded with photographers

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Backstage @ Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Galerie backstage / Backstage gallery

Défilé / Show

Il n’y avait vraiment plus aucune place podium où logent tous les photographes. Le seul moyen de pouvoir faire des photos était de se tenir debout sur les côtés, à côté des personnes du 1er rang.

There was no place left in the photographers logde, the only way to get pictures was to stand right next to the people of the front row.

Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Lutz Ready To Wear Paris Fashion Week S/S 2012

Galerie / Gallery

Retrouvez toutes les photos du défilé ci-dessous !

Find below all the photos of the show !




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Laurent Dubois

Laurent Dubois is professional Fashion Photographer based in Paris as well as in Asia. He is passionate for more than 10 years now and shoots in his own studio. He cherishes backstages as well as catwalks during the Fashion Weeks. Entrepreneur, he is also from an engineering education (Master's Degree in IT) that enables him to be a Web activist. The young photographer holds a personal blog where he shares some of his lighting techniques and equipment reviews. He also presents photo equipment and techniques on YouTube for his partner: Pixedo. Laurent is the creator and owner of,,, and